Idividualized Program


Monthly Plan $499/mo

Your plan will be billed and shipped every month. You’ll receive  your monthly supply of medications depending on your specific indivualized plan, plus single-use insulin syringes for subcutaneous injection. Modify or cancel your plan at any time. Membership for the individualized programs may decrease or increase based on appropriate medications and we will discuss once the program is finalized. When stacking medications, we will provide 20% discount as needed.

  • Free Shipping
  • Cancel your plan any time
  • Supported by U.S. licensed physicians

1 in stock

+ Patient support responses within 24 hours

+ We include at-home comprehensive blood horomone panel

+ All medications arrive in temperature controlled packaging

+ Highest quality and standards in our pharmaceutical products

+ Free shipping

+ We give 20% discount site-wide for our members

+ We have zero added fees

+ Cancel anytime

+ FDA approved